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序号条款号检测内容所需检测  仪器设备精度要求和量程要求                                          所需检测仪器、设备
设备名称  设备型号设备量程设备精度
31.6.2Input   CurrentAmp-meter 数字功率计 WT3100—500V      0—20A       0—10kW ±1.5% to energized partsTest finger (joint /rigid 30N, fig. 2A)See fig. 2A关节试验指 GS-IP100fig.   2Afig.   2A
5直型试验指GS-IP11fig.   2Afig.   2A
6 推拉力计ANF-500—50N±1N
7Test   pin (fig. 2B 4mm/3mm/15 mm long)See   fig. 2B试验销 GS-IP03fig.   2Bfig.   2B
8Test   probe (fig. 2C 12mm/80mm)See   fig. 2C 试验探头 GS-IP05fig.   2Cfig.   2C   HazardVariable   resistive load 电子负载 3250AC/DC       0-60V       0-20A       0-300W±1.5% dischargeMeasuring instrument with input impedance 100MΩ   ±5 MΩ in parallel with an input capacitance of 25pF or less. 示波器F196C2mV-100V/div   5ns-5s/div 100M±0.2%
11 高压探棒N2771A0-10kV±1% AmplifiersSuitable signal generator and audio power   measuring equipment 噪声信号发生器 DF168120-20kHz     0-70dB±1dB
13 音频信号发生器   GAG-81010-1000kHz±1.5%
142.3.1Limits   of TNV circuitsResistor   5000Ω ± 2%,±2%试样电阻 5kΩ5000Ω±0.3%
152.3.4Connection   of TNV circuits to other circuitsResistor   5000Ω ± 2%,±2%试样电阻 5kΩ5000Ω±0.3%
162.3.5Test   for operating voltages generated externallyTest   generator 120V±   2V a.c., 50 or 60 Hz, 1200Ω ± 2%试验电压发生器   GS-TNV100-240V      50 or 60 Hz  1200Ω±1%
172.4.2Limited current circuits, limit valuesResistor   2 000 Ω ± 10%, ±   10%试样电阻 2kΩ2000Ω±0.5%
18Capacitance   measuring device LCR测量仪4263B10μH-1H   1pF-1μF    0.1Ω-100kΩ±0.1% of   earthing conductorsHigh   current source with a voltage not exceeding 12 V 接地电阻测试仪TOS62100—0.2Ω±0.002Ω
202.9.2Humidity   conditioningChamber   (91% Rh...95% Rh, 20...30 ° C) 调温(调湿)箱GS-TH800-40—150℃   0-95%RH±2℃,±2.5%RH
212.10Creepage   distance/clearance/distance through insulation (determination of   requirements; working voltage measurements)Oscilloscope 示波器F196C2mV-100V/div   5ns-5s/div 100M±0.2%
22Creepagedistance/clearance/distance through   insulation (measurements)Dial   gauge 爬电距离测试卡CC-231.0—8.0mm0.1mm
23Micrometer 游标卡尺150mm0—150mm0.02mm
24Microscope 读数显微镜Vibao0-100mm±0.05mm of transient levelsTest-generator; reference 2 of table N.1 脉冲发生器1950S脉冲波形:1.2×50μs电压:0-7KV±5%
26 脉冲发生器1950S脉冲波形:10×700μs电压:0-7KV±5%
272.10.4Creepage   distancesTest   equipment for tracking 漏电起痕试验装置  GS-TK200-600V  0-1A±1%
292.10.9 &   2.10.10 & 2.10.11 (and   cycling and thermal ageingFull   draught oven (± 2ºC)
    Cooling facility (0º C)
±   2ºC调温(调湿)箱GS-TH800-40—150℃   0-95%RH±2℃,±2.5%RH
302.10.8.4Abrasion resistance testScratch test device with steel pin20mm/s;   10±0.5N, 80~85°耐划痕试验仪GS-NH30020mm/s;10±0.5N, 80~85°±2%
322.10.7Enclosed   and sealed partsSee   2.10.9 & 2.10.10±   2ºC调温(调湿)箱SETH-Z-061LKGS-TH800-40—150℃   0-95%RH±2℃,±2.5%RH
333.1.5, 3.1.9 and   4.2.210   N steady force testSuitable   tool for applying steady force of 10 N +/- 1N±1N推拉力计ANF-500—50N±1N
353.2.6Cord   anchorage and strain reliefAppropriate   weights 电源线拉扭试验机GS-DXLN200-50kg±1%
363.2.8Cord   guardsAppropriate   weights 推拉力计ANF-500—50N±1N
374.1StabilityInclined   plane 10° 倾斜平台GS-QX8000-15º±3%
38Force   250N 推拉力计ZP-10000-1000N±0.2%
39Test tool 800N with a flat surface 12,5cm by   20cm 推拉力计ZP-10000-1000N±0.2%
40金属平面13612,5cm   by 20cm±0.5%
414.2.3Steady force test 30 NTest finger (rigid 30N± 3N, fig. 2A) 直型试验指GS-IP11fig.   2Afig.   2A
434.2.4Steady state force, 250 NTest tool 250N± 10N with a circular plan surface   ∅ 30mm. 推拉力计ZP-10000-1000N±0.2%
44金属平面GS16∅   30mm±0.1mm
454.2.5Impact   test∅   50mm/500g± 25g steel ball500g±   25g冲击钢球GS-IP07500g         ∅ 50mm+10g,+0.004mm
464.2.6Drop   testHard   wood 13mm on 19mm to 20mm plywood, two layers 跌落平台GS207//
474.2.7Stress   reliefOven   70K over normal temp 高温试验箱GS-GW005室温—200℃±1℃
494.2.10Wall   or ceiling mounted equipmentSeveral   weights 推拉力计ZP-10000-1000N±0.2%
504.3.2Handles   and manual controlsForce   15N/20N/30N/50N 推拉力计ANF-500—50N±1N
514.3.6Direct   plug-in equipmentTest   equipment (see Fig. 11 of IEC 60065) 插头力矩测试仪    GS-CTN040-0.25Nm±1%
534.3.13.2Ionizing   radiationIonization   meter (Annex H) 电离辐射计440RF/D0-1000μSV/h±20%
574.4Protection against hazardous moving partsTest finger (joint /rigid 30N, fig. 2A)See fig. 2A关节试验指 GS-IP100fig.   2Afig.   2A
58直型试验指GS-IP11fig.   2Afig.   2A
59 推拉力计ANF-500—50N±1N
604.5Thermal   requirements      
61Voltage supplySingle   phase voltage supply systems/variability/adequacy 变频电源 69020-300V      0-1±1.5%
62Three   phase voltage supply systems 变频电源 AFR-36060kVa±1.5%
63Temperature (rise)Temperature   recorder (multi-channel) 记录仪DR232-02-00-1R0—300℃±0.5℃
64Thermocouples 热电偶  TT-K-300—150℃±0.5℃
65Winding   resistance (normally > 1,0 Ω 2-wire, 4-wire<1,0 Ω ). 数字多用表34401A0.1-100MΩ±3%
66VoltageVoltmeters   (ac/dc) 数字多用表34401A0—1000V±1%
67High   voltage meter (probe) 高压探棒N2771A0-10kV±1%
68CurrentCurrents   (ac/dc) 数字功率计 WT3100—500V      0—20A       0—10kW ±1.5%
69LoadingLoads   (resistive) 电子负载 3250AC/DC       0-60V       0-20A       0-300W±1.5%
704.5.5Resistance to abnormal heatBall pressure test apparatus according to IEC   60695-10-2 Oven at least 125ºC球直径:5mm;砝码:20N±0.2N球压试验装置GS-QY21球直径:5mm;砝码:20N±0.2N
71 高温试验箱GS-GW005室温—200℃±1℃
724.6.2Bottoms   of fire enclosureDistillate   fuel oil as described in Annex A.3.210ml   1ml/s灼热燃油GS-ZRY0610ml     1ml/s±0.2ml   ±0.1ml/s
734.6.4.2Evaluation   of larger openingsSuitable   tool (or tools) to simulate a straight metal object, 1mm in diameter, length   up to 13 mm∅   1mm试验探针GS-IP14∅   1mm+0.044mm
744.6.5Adhesives   for constructional purposesOven   up to 100 ° C 高温试验箱GS-GW005室温—200℃±1℃
754.7.3Materials, Tests see Annex AV-1,   V-2, HF-2, 5VIEC60695针焰试验仪GS-NF30IEC60695IEC60695
76Bunsen   burner (9,5 ± 0,5 mm)IEC60695UL94水平垂直燃烧试验仪GS-HVUL20IEC60695IEC60695
77Gas   for burner (~37 MJ/m3) 甲烷气体98%纯度以上//
78Oven   for preconditioning 高温试验箱GS-GW005室温—200℃±1℃
794.7.3.6Materials   used in high-voltage componentsTest   of Annex A or test of 14.4 of IEC 60065 or needle flame test according to IEC   60695-2-2IEC60695针焰试验仪/水平垂直燃烧仪GS-NF30\GS-HVUL20IEC60695IEC60695
805.1Touch   current and protective conductor currentMeasuring   instruments of Annex D 泄漏电流测试仪    Simpson2280-10mA±1%
815.2Electric   strengthTest   equipment with the relevant voltage and tripping current短路电流>200mAAC/DC耐压绝缘测试仪TOS9201AC:0-5kV,       0—110mA; DC:0-6kV,        0-10mA;         短路电流>200mA±1%
836.2.1Protection   of equipment users from overvoltages on ecommunication networksTest   probe (Fig. 2C, 12mm/80mm)See   fig. 2C 试验探头 GS-IP05fig.   2Cfig.   2C
846.2.2.1Impulse   TestImpulse   test generator according to Annex N 脉冲发生器1950S脉冲波形:10×700μs电压:0-7KV±5%
856.2.2.3Protection   of equipment users from overvoltages on ecommunication networksinsulation   resistance 绝缘电阻测试仪TOS72000-1000V   0-2000MΩ±0.5%
867.4.2Voltage   surge testTest   generator reference 3 of table N.1 浪涌测试仪SUG10/700G0-10kV±5%
877.4.3Impulse   testTest   generator reference 1 of table N.1 脉冲发生器1950S脉冲波形:10×700μs电压:0-7KV±5%

