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首页 > 技术与支持 > IEC60335-1&GB4706.1家用电器检测仪器设备推荐清单
点击次数:1549 更新时间:2018-01-15




ClauseMeasurement/testing Testing /   measuring equipment / material needed Subcontracting 测试项目测试设备
2Normative   References Access   to copies of listed standards   
4General   requirement None    
5General   conditions for the tests None    
6Classification None    
7Marking   and instructions Spirit,   Water 标志和说明正己烷
8Protection   against access to live parts Test   probe  B of IEC61032对触及带电部分的防护关节试验指
Test probe 13 of IEC61032试验销
Test probe 41 of IEC61032试验棒
voltmeter mill ammeter台式多用表
 force   gauges推拉力计
2000ohm non-inductive resister2000欧无感电阻
9Starting   of motor-operated appliances None  电动器具的起动
10Power   input and current Voltmeter/ammeter/mill   ammeter输入功率及电流电参数测试仪
11Heating Temperature   controlled room发热环境温度记录仪
Temperature Recorder温度记录仪
fine wire thermocouples热电偶
test corners温度测试角
Winding resistance measurement system绕组温升测试仪
Loading as required by part 2's 
13Leakage   current and electric strength at operating temperature Leakage   current meter, isolation transformer, HV test supply, Network(Fig.4 of   IEC60990) R工作温度下的泄漏电流及电气强度接触电流测试仪
14Transient   overvoltage Inpulse   voltage test generator and monitor 瞬态超压脉冲发生器
15Moisture   resistance Oscillating   hoop IP test equipment, measurement beaker, spray nozzle 潮态电阻滴水试验装置
16Leakage   current and electric strength Environmental   chamber capable of 93%RH at selected temp. with HV test facilities 泄漏电流和电气强度恒温恒湿箱
17Overload   protection of transformers and associated circuits Included   above  变压器过载保护 
18Endurance As   required by part 2's R   if assessed   
19Abnormal   operation As   above with suitable protection against damage to equipment personnel and   property in event of abnormal failure R非正常工作 
 Electrostatic discharge test apparatus (IEC   61000-4-2), Radiated field test apparatus (IEC 61000-4-3), Fast transient   burst test apparatus (IEC 61000-4-4), Voltage surge test apparatus (IEC   61000-4-5), Injected current test apparatus (IEC 61000-4-6), Voltage dip and   interruption test apparatus (IEC 61000-4-11), Mains signal test apparatus   (IEC 61000-4-13)S电磁兼容抗扰度
20Stability   and mechanical hazards Inclined   plains  稳定性和机械强度倾斜平台
force gauges推拉力计
21Mechanical   strength Impact   hammer  机械强度弹簧冲击器
Hardened steel pin 
Force gauges 
22Construction  结构IP1X测试棒及钢球
Test rig for torque on pin supported   appliance   R插座扭矩测试仪
Heating cabinet(70 ±2?)R烘箱
Test probe 11 of IEC61032R直型试验指
Test fingernailR试验指甲
 Force   gauge,Test finger nailR推拉力计
Oxygen bombS氧弹试验仪
Methylated spirits and Pressure appratusS酒精和压力装置
 Water   pressure test apparatusR水压测试装置
23Internal   wiring Flexing   test apparatus 内部布线内部电源线弯折试验仪
24Components Laboratory   may or may not have facilities for testing to component standards.   Certification by specialist laboratories is accepted for compliance 元件 
25Supply   connection and external flexible cords Flexing   test apparatus  电源连接和外部软线电源线弯曲试验仪
Cord anchorage force & torque tester电源线拉扭试验仪
26Terminals   for external conductors Torque   screwdriver 外部连接端字扭力起子
27Provision   for earthing Earth   continuity tester, access to ISO2178 and 1463 testing 接地接地电阻测试仪
28Screws   and connections Torque   gauge 螺钉和连接扭力起子
29Creepage   distances, clearances and distance through insulation Mechanical   measurement tools, Rod and ball gauges R爬电距离爬电距离量规
Proof tracking test apparatus R
30Resistance   to heat and fire Ball   Pressure test apparatus  耐热和阻燃球压试验器
Glow wire灼热丝测试仪
Needle flame test apparatus针焰测试仪
Horizontal and vertical burning   test apparatus
Apparatus for low power circuit determination漏电起痕试验仪
31Resistance   to rusting Part2   requirements    
32Radiation,   toxicity and similar hazards Part2   requirements    
Annex A Routine   tests None    
Annex B Appliances   Powered by rechargeable batteries Free   fall test apparatus    (IEC60068-2-32) 充电电池供电的器具滚筒跌落试验仪
Annex C Ageing   Test on Motors Nothing   special    
Annex D Alternative   requirements for protected motors Nothing   special    
Annex E Needle   flame test Needle   flame test apparatus (IEC 60695-2-2) 针焰试验针焰测试仪
Annex F Capacitors Impulse   voltage test apparatus, Endurance test apparatus (IEC 60384-14) 电容器脉冲发生器
Annex G Safety   isolating transformers Circuit for measuring leakage current Nothing   special    